Personal data policy

How we process your personal information

Bjerrely Fiskesø I/S
Bjerrevej 55
7400 Herning
CVR nr.: 42051020

In the following, you can read about the current rules that we use as a starting point in relation to the processing of your personal data.

What information do we collect about you when you visit our website?
We only collect the personal information that you consent to when you visit our website and take any action that requires information from you. 

This can be, for example, when you fill out a contact form or send us an inquiry where we need to know your name, your email, and possibly also which company you represent.

You also provide personal information when you sign up for our newsletter or book a stay via our website, where you must fill in the following:

  • Name
  • Address (not valid for newsletter)
  • Postal code and city
  • Email

This information is necessary for us to handle your registration, booking and / or inquiry.
The information is stored securely with Bjerrely Fiskesø, and you always have the opportunity to ask for insight into what information we have registered about you.  

In addition, we collect information about your movements on the website, if you have given your consent. You can read more about this under the section on cookies.

Where is my personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored on servers in Denmark. Some personal information is managed by a third party who is involved in the role of our data processor. These store and process personal data on behalf of Bjerrely Fiskesø and in accordance with this data policy and the applicable personal data protection legislation at all times.

How do you protect personal information?

In accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Regulation, we have entered into data processor agreements with the third parties we work with to obtain a guarantee that they have the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure that your personal data is not leaked. In addition, we have made detailed manuals and descriptions internally, which outline the rules for storing personal data. This means, among other things, that we do not store information about you on insecure servers and places that can be accessed by anyone other than Bjerrely Fiskesø.

Access to information

You have the right to be informed of the personal information we have registered about you, as well as to have incorrect information deleted or corrected. For further information, please contact us directly at

Can there be any changes to this policy?

Changes to our privacy practices may be necessary and we reserve the right to update and change these guidelines. In the event of significant changes, you will be notified, either via a visible announcement on our website or via an email, if you have subscribed to our newsletter.


We use cookies on our website to generate web statistics and target marketing to our visitors. 

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user’s experience more efficient.

The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary to ensure the delivery of the service you have expressly requested to use. For all other types of cookies, we must obtain your consent.

This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are set by third party services displayed on our pages.

Can I avoid cookies?

When you visit our website, you must decide which cookies you want to accept. You can always block or delete cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your browser. 
Remember that if you use multiple browsers, delete and block cookies in all of them.

What do you use cookies for?

We primarily use the information collected from cookies to measure and analyze the traffic on our website via Google Analytics as well as for targeting marketing via eg Facebook.  

What cookies do you use? 

We use the following cookies on our site: 

Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website looks or behaves. Eg. your preferred language or region.

Statistics cookies help website owners understand how you as a visitor interact with the website by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to show, for example, ads that are relevant and engaging for you as a user, and thus more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers.

Necessary Cookies Help make a website usable by enabling basic features such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Third party cookies

When we use Google Analytics to generate web statistics, Google Analytics sends cookies via our website. In connection with our use of Facebook, we have inserted a so-called Facebook pixel on the website, which consists of a small piece of JavaScript code, which is used to register visits to our website and send information back to Facebook. That way, we have the ability to target ads on Facebook to people who have previously visited our website.

Social media services

Our website contains media features such as Facebook, and Instagram, which have their own privacy policies.

We encourage you to read their terms and conditions as well as privacy policy before submitting personal information, as we do not assume any responsibility or obligation for these services or functions.

Conditions for subscribing to Bjerrely’s newsletter

When you sign up for our newsletter, you consent to Bjerrely Fiskesø sending you emails with great deals, news from our place, and inspiration. You also agree that we may process your personal information as set out below and in accordance with the applicable personal data policy.

We send out an average of 1-2 newsletters a month.

Where is my information stored?

In connection with our email marketing, we collaborate with a third party, namely MailChimp. MailChimp stores and processes your personal information on Bjerrely’s behalf in accordance with this data policy and applicable personal data legislation to ensure the best possible protection of your personal information.

Bjerrely Fiskesø has signed a data processor agreement with MailChimp, which guarantees that they comply with the rules in the new personal data regulation.

Can I unsubscribe again?

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time, just as you can also update your information via the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

If you need help, or have questions about our newsletters, you are welcome to contact us at

It is free and without obligation to sign up for our newsletter. 

Processing of personal information about guests, contacts / meeting bookers and suppliers

The personal data we collect and process about you as a guest, contact person, or supplier is used in connection with booking hotel stays and/or meetings/conferences as well as for customer administration to ensure we fulfill the agreement you have entered into with Bjerrely. Next, they are used to send invoices and handle Bjerrely’s creditors. The sole purpose is that we can give you the best experience with us. All information is stored securely in our IT system.

According to rules in the Udlændingebekendtgørelsen and Pasbekendtgørelsen, respectively, Bjerrely Fiskesø must register various information about guests. For foreign guests, this information must be stored for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 years, while for Danish guests it must be stored for 1 year.

Bjerrely Fiskesø takes data protection seriously and places great emphasis on ensuring that all personal data is treated confidentially. Our employees receive ongoing instruction and training in how personal information is destroyed or secured so that it does not reach unauthorized persons.

What information do we collect about you as a contact person for a company / meeting booker?

  • Name, address, telephone number, and email address
  • Business information
  • Information on any other contact persons

Special information about you as a guest

If you in connection with a visit to us draw our attention to a special situation, this will be stored together with the other information in your booking. This could include allergies, dietary considerations and special food preferences or a disability. 

If you send sensitive personal information to us, you should send it in encrypted if you use email.

Video surveillance

Bjerrely Fiskesø performs video surveillance for uninvited guests and theft, as well as as a security for employees and guests. We naturally follow all applicable rules and requirements for the storage and use of these recordings, and they will only be accessed in case of suspected criminal acts. It is a small circle of trusted employees who are the only ones to have access to the footage. The recordings may be passed on to the police or others if required by law.

Access to credit card information

Through our payment provider, Bjerrely Fiskesø has access to your credit card information as a guarantee for your reservation. Our payment provider provides the necessary consent for the registration and processing of sensitive information.  

Sharing of personal information

The information will in principle not be passed on to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfill an agreement with you.  
Under the law, we are entitled to pass on information to the police in case of fraud.  

Your rights

According to the Personal Data Ordinance, you have a number of rights that you can use at any time to gain insight into what information we have about you and how it is stored.

The rights are as follows:

  • Right to insight
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to delete
  • Right to object

If you wish to request insight into your information or withdraw your consent, you can contact us at

legal action

If you believe that we process your information without being entitled to do so, you can lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency:

Borgergade 28, 5.,
1300 Copenhagen K,
+45 33 19 32 00

Whistleblower scheme

In Bjerrely Fiskesø, we have a so-called whistleblower scheme, which can be used in case of suspected suspicious conditions. Via e-mail, you can easily and quickly report concerns or suspicions about conditions that may affect the well-being of our company or people. The reporting system must not be used for deliberately false accusations against persons, and no deliberately untrue information may be reported at all. 

We encourage you to include your name in the e-mail. Whether you do or not, we ask you to set up a secure mailbox to make it more secure and easier to communicate with us. 

All reports are treated in the strictest confidence. 

Latest update of this policy

Our personal data policy is continuously updated in accordance with current rules. You can always see the latest update on this page. 

Last updated on May 7, 2021.